The Pakistan Society of Neurology was recently appointed for free access to the Online AAN-WFN Continuum Education Programme. AAN and WFN are pleased to invite all Neurologists working in Pakistan to make use of this Education Program.
Neurology began as a speciality in Pakistan in the early 70’s with a few foreign trained neurologists who developed departments in teaching hospitals in Karachi and Lahore. The first professional body the Pakistan Academy of Neurological Sciences was founded in 1988 in Karachi by neurologists and neurosurgeons. Almost simultaneously, Pakistani neurologists working in North America founded the Pakistan International Neuroscience Society (PINS). A decade later, neurologists and neurosurgeons formed their own societies. The Pakistan Society of Neurology (PSN) is our representative body. It also has affiliated societies of stroke, headache, movement disorders and neuro-rehabilitation. At present there are about 190 neurologists in Pakistan for a population of 190 million, a ratio which is amongst the lowest in the world. Neurology training is five year long with two years internal medicine followed by three years neurology. PSN organizes two meetings every year, its annual meeting in spring, and the International Neurology Update meeting in late December in collaboration with PINS. Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences is the official journal and brings out quarterly issues.
I became a junior member of the AAN in 1994 during electives at Northwestern University, and have had access to AAN’s educational resources since then. I know that the Continuum is an excellent publication for consultants as well as residents, but its cost has restricted its availability to most of my country’s neurologists. The AAN-WFN Continuum Educational Program is an excellent service for developing countries, especially Pakistan. I would like to thank AAN and WFN for collaborating to ensure global availability of neurology educational resource material at affordable cost.Professor Arsalan Ahmad M.B.B.S; M.D(Neurology), President, Pakistan Society of Neurology (2016-18)